Equestrian Artist

Oil Paintings

Oil Paintings
We provide an extensive gallery of spectacular horse themed oil paintings on sale at affordable prices. Find equestrian artists who with each and every brush stroke is hand-painted with great attention to detail using only high quality oil paints and canvas. Each and every oil painting is cared for throughout the painting process and our quality control team inspects each and every painting before it is shipped to you.

Hand Painted oil paintings are by highly skilled artists with years of practical experience painting masterpiece oil painting reproductions on high-grade canvas as well as commissioned oil painting of your horse.
@Venet YajemVenet Yajem
Oil paintings are not computer, printer, copier or machine generated prints or giclees on paper or canvas transfers. A genuine oil painting is 100% hand-painted with the highest quality oil paints on artist grade canvas.

Find museum quality works of art, low prices and a vast choice of oil paintings to select from. We have oil paintings for people with varied interests from all walks of life. If you cannot find what you are looking for, let us know, as our artists can paint your special requests. Whether it is a custom color change to one of our existing paintings, a custom size, another painting or photograph not found on our website...it is not a problem. We can also turn a portrait photo of you and your loved ones into an exquisite hand-painted oil painting. Let us know what you are looking for. We are happy to accommodate you.
@Sharla Rae SandersSharla Rae Sanders

Horse Oil Paintings

Dajani Gallery - Arab Horse Oil Painting Dajani Gallery
Beautiful Horse Oil Painting Beautiful Horse Oil Painting
HORSE oil on canvas 48" x 34" by Rajasekharan Parameswaran Rajasekharan Parameswaran - Oil Painting
Tony O Connor - Equine Art - 60cm x 60cm - Oil on canvas - Robbie Power & Not For Burning Tony O Connor - Equine Art
Magali de Mauroy Magali de Mauroy
By David Mcewen, from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK By David Mcewen, from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
@Brianne Wiebe Brianne Wiebe
Tubiana Marion - Horse and Animal Artist Oil painting in 40x50 cm format - Information and prices: contact@mariontubiana.com Tubiana Marion - Horse and Animal Artist - Pastels, paintings
`Nuzzle` oil painting by 2020 Indian Wells Arts Festival artist and 2016 IWAF #BestInShow winner, Carol Heiman-Greene. Indian Wells Arts Festival
This is Tim Cox Fine Art`s - Horses Of The Creek This is Tim Cox Fine Arts Horses Of The Creek
@Roberto Lauro ArtistRoberto Lauro Artist